Monday, September 21, 2009

Advanced NHibernate Tutorial by Ayende Rahien at Monospace

NHibernate is the most mature and widely-adopted Object-Relational Mapping framework for .NET, and Ayende Rahien is it's best-known expert and project contributor.

The Monospace Conference offers you a unique opportunity to learn from the best at Ayende's Advanced NHibernate tutorial. Here's a chance to rapidly increase your skill and understanding of NHibernate by learning from an industry leader who has built NHibernate applications across a number of industries and system scales, from personal websites to large-scale, high-transaction enterprise apps.

Monospace attendees will also receive a discount coupon for NHibernate Profiler, the visual debugger and performance analyzer for Hibernate and NHibernate.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to improve your software development abilities in a rare installment of this popular workshop in North America!

Sign up for Monospace now at:

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